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Tetra has been around since 1951 and is the largest global manufacturer
of ornamental fish food and the acknowledged global authority.

Tetra Spring & Fall Diet

Wheat germ‘s exceptional digestibility at low temperatures is very important since fish metabolism and the pond’s ammonia-reducing biological activity are greatly diminished in colder months. Feed in spring and fall, when water temperatures are below 50°F and above 39°F. Stop feeding when temperatures drop below 39ºF.

Tetra Pond Sticks

Our most popular pond food! An ideal maintenance diet that provides nutrition for energy, longevity, and overall health. Feed in spring, summer, and fall, when water temperatures are 50°F and above.

Tetra Koi Growth

A high-protein diet containing essential amino acids that help younger fish grow. Ideal for late spring and early summer feeding, when water temperatures are 50°F and above.